The morning of December 8th was the GLO Marathon in Lagos. A group of us - me, Niyi (my driver), Kevin, Sharon, Jonathan, and Kazeem (S&J's driver) - have been training for the last few months and this run is what got my butt back into running after moving here. Thanks Kevin! I have done a number of long runs in the US and my core group of friends were the ones I ran with in the wee hours of the morning on the weekdays and on those Saturday long runs. I miss you all!
Training for this run was a lot of fun. Most of my running during the week was on the treadmill but we would get out for some long runs on the weekend and for may of them, my driver Niyi joined us.
The run, like most meeting, events, etc., here in Nigeia, did not start on time. It was supposed to start at 7 but it started at about 7:55AM. The weather was good, for a run in Lagos, as it was overcast for most of the run but it was humid and warm... just like those summer runs in Houston!
Before the run...
The shoes... Converse high tops and flip flops or sandals!

On the run course - notice the bare feet! Amazing! What a contrast to what you see in the US! Near the end many runners were in their socks with their shoes in their hands. I guess they are not used to wearing shoes for running or had probably never run/trained that far in these shoes before!

View from the run course once we were on the mainland

Everyone finished the race and had a great time, which was the goal. Kevin and I ran together for the entire run and kept each other moving. I am very proud of my driver who ran this for the first time and did a great job - he beat me!
Hello, I'm an American citizen who has have been following your blog for about 6 months now and I must commend you for keeping us updated on your experiences in Lagos. That out of the way. I live in Dallas, Texas and of Nigerian decent. When I started following your blog, it was interesting to read how you and your husband were adapting to your new environment but as I read along, I started noticing a pattern to your blogs.
I noticed that you only post pictures of dilapidated areas, Lagos has some great looking areas and definately better views than the "View from the run course once we were on the mainland" and i also sense some sarcasm in your comment about people running bare feet (remember Zola Bud?). Please be true to Nigeria and show both good and the bad and not just the negativity, Nigeria needs people like you who will portray her in her true light. You will not be in Nigeria today if not for the fact that it is a great career move for your family (and also I'm sure the pay is good)so please do not just pass through Nigeria, experience it. I come from the north which is a totally different world from lagos and you should make an effort to visit places like Jos, Bauchi etc. I hope this comment will not discourage you because I think you are a courageous person.
Thank you and Merry Christmas.
My name is Angie im from the us and im coming to nigeria in feb im a little scared I have heard about the airport my future husband went back in march 07 he works for cheveron.You all look so happy and thank you for showing something good in Nigeria
Angie and your fiance
I visited Lagos and Port Harcourt for two months when I worked for Baker Hughes in 1997. It was a wonderful experience. I was actually offered the controllership for my division then, but I turned it down to attend a top 20 MBA program in the US. I was also recently married at the time and was unsure if I wanted to bring my bride to Nigeria. In some ways, I wish that I would have taken the opportunity and spent two years there.
It appears that you and your wife are living it up. Nigeria can be a challenging place to live and work, but it can also be rewarding. You must watch out for some of the nigerians who have the false belief that white=money + naivity. For the most part the Nigerians are a proud and friendly people. Also, the expat community in Nigeria is great. I had the opportunity to do my first english hash in the bush and had to down a quart of STAR beer because I brought a camera on the adventure.
I will follow your blog and your adventures and live vicariously through you. Here is my contact information:
Scott Smaistrla
972 762 2506
Dallas, Texas
Hello friends!!!
I have found in internet this half marathon and I tried to contact them just to know if this year there is a new edition. I cannot find the race webpage and I will ask you if you know something about. It looks nice and amazing!
It was not until recently that I learned that I could get an email when comments were made on my blog post so unfortunately, most of the earlier commetns I did not see until now. I appreciate all comments, and am delighted when a Nigerian posts a comment. I can understand the post from gotuwan but I must say that I don't mean to focus more on the negativity but more on the contrast from what I have grown up accustomed to. I will try to put more posts that show the spectrum of life in Nigeria. There are many nice places here.
I am also very happy to get comments telling me that I have made them feel more comfortable about considering spending part of their life here. It is an amazing experience, if you choose to make the most of it. You could spend you time locked up in yout flat and complain all day, but why! Get out and experience life in Nigeria and learn about the culture.
Concering the timing of the Lagos marathon... all I can say is that it will be in November or December! Last year the race date was announced at the end of August so keep searching the internet to find out the actual date. If I hear/read when it is this year, I will post something on the blog. I don't know if I will be in town to do it this year so i have not started training. I may start training in case I can do it.
Thanks a lot, Lisa. I will search again in the future. I like your pictures during the race. Have you run more races in Africa?
The Lagos Marathon is the only run I have done in Lagos. I would like to do the Obudu Mountain Race one year. Here is the link.
Last year the race was two weeks before the Lagos marathon. I hear they want to make this race and the marathon one week apart so the professionals can attend both.
There is a hash group here - - but I have not run with them yet but plan to some day soon.
Hi Lisa,
I am totally thrilled to come across your blog! I have been gatherng information for job seeking spouses transitioning to Nigeria and I beleive you have invalauble information that may assist me and other expat spouses moving to Nigeria. I would be really glad if you could contribute extra information that we can make use of such as the regular activities among expats, coffee mornings, sports clubs (boating etc) etc where jobseeking spouses may network. My email address is and if you are able to give us a few tips, I will be extremely grateful. I look forward to hearing from you. And thanks that I have been able to locate the HASH group Lagos through your blog.
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