Sunday, October 4, 2009

Osogbo & Idanre

While I was in Paris, Bob and some friends (Sharon, Jonathan, Dan, Lynn, Ilsa & Rob) went to Idanre and Osogbo, both places I have been in Nigeria while Bob was in Houston on business. I never posted on Osogbo but I did post on Idanre. Nigerian Field Society trips frequent these sights. See posts on Osogbo20081 and Osogbo20082 (the trip I was on and I am pictured here) and Idanre 2008 and Idanre 2009 (I was on this trip).

This trip occurred over a 4 day weekend and included 1) Day 1 - a walk around the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Osogbo's "Sacred Groves", 2) Day 2 - a hike to three waterfalls, 3) Day 3 - a tour of a cocoa factory followed by a hike in Idanre, and 4) Day 4 - hit the road and head back to Lagos.

Three waterfalls

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