Friday, November 21, 2008

LYC's Annual Sail Around the World Event

The second year teaming up to run the USA Booth at Lagos Yacht Club’s Sail Around the World (SAW) was a success. Nancy and Marilyn came early to decorate and they did a fantastic job. Nancy O. provided decorations but was out of town for the event. Thanks Ladies! This year we increased the mini-burgers from 300 to 350 but the hot dogs stayed at 100 (Thanks for supplying the dogs Kelvin). Our cook Daniel prepared all the burgers in two days! He is amazing. Bob, the bartender, served lemonade solo or mixed it with Jack Daniels whiskey (Lynchburg Lemonade). When the cooking started we had an assembly line from the cook (Kelvin, Scott and Kevin (part-time)) to the construction team (Nancy, Lisa, Kevin (PT) & Malachi (PT)) who put the burgers and dogs in the buns and topped them with a USA flag toothpick.

The commute to the yacht club reminded me why we do very little in the afternoon/evening here. It took about 1.5 hours to go 8 km from work to the yacht club, but that time did involve resolving a minor fender bender. The commute should be straight forward, but due to traffic we took a longer but hopefully faster route.

I was thrilled to have two folks at SAW, TJ and another man, recognize us from the blog. The positive reinforcement just keeps me working on the blog! Thanks!

We got very few pics this year! Bummer! Here are some pics from during the prep stage.

The Booth
Scott and Nancy - Thanks again!


rabiel said...

Sounds like a lot of work. Did you dish out all 350 of the miniburgers and 100 hotdogs ... and the Jack Daniel's? And did you both have a good time?
Keep up the good work on keeping us posted.

Mr. T.J. said...

Hi! T.J. from the American School here. I do appreciate your blog and think that it is a great way to catalog overseas experiences. If you want to see our blog, check it out at We're not as good as you at keeping it updated, but maybe seeing your work will help to motivate us. Thanks also for the links to the traffic cameras.
Have a great weekend!
Sincerely, T.J. (secondary school art teacher at American International School Lagos).